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Maddie Ryan Joining U

Surfing at pipeline

Born to a surfer family, Maddie has always been naturally drawn to the water and holds a firm belief in the healing powers of the ocean. At 15 she began her transition to big wave surfing and has been unstoppable.

My parents have to be my biggest inspirations in surfing. They never forced me into it but it was either be in the water or sit on the beach as a kid.

Surfing is an outlet for so much in my life. I have always been happiest in the water and feel grounded there. Once that connection is lost it’s not fun for me anymore. The ocean will always be there for me and I do believe that it is a healing place.

cool surfer barreling

Being healthy/active and all around wellness is what my life revolves around. I honestly do not feel the same if I haven’t worked out and eaten well. Don’t get me wrong I love rest days and going out for ice cream but I feel the most energized after good food and a workout. It’s something empowering for me and I crave it.

Surfing has taught me that not everything is the same every time and to always be on my toes anticipating my next move. I do like to have a schedule and know what I’m doing but I’ve learned that things can change so quickly so I just need to be prepared for a different outcome.